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Текст комментария:

Paola Gomez
2011-12-13 01:39:55

tATu the best group of all time unique and incomparable. Julia and Lena thanks for everything, I hope to return soon with tATu. From America with Love.

Paola Gomez
2011-12-13 01:40:27

tATu the best group of all time unique and incomparable. Julia and Lena thanks for everything, I hope to return soon with tATu. From America with Love.

2011-12-13 01:41:28

tATu the best group of all time unique and incomparable. Julia and Lena thanks for everything, I hope to return soon with tATu. From America with Love.

2011-12-13 01:41:29

tATu the best group of all time unique and incomparable. Julia and Lena thanks for everything, I hope to return soon with tATu. From America with Love.

2014-02-02 20:45:56

Вечер без любви, утро без обиды:3
Я сошла с ума, я сошла с ума, мне нужна она:3
Небо уронит ночь на ладони, нас не догонят!

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